Monday 9 December 2013

W e in All Cooperative Farmers Association through our general Secretary Mr Agbonlahor Osamuyi want to support Otunba Femi Oke to emphatically tell all arm of government in Nigeria that what the farmers actually want is not loan but grants. come to think of it, why is it difficult to approve agricultural grants to farmers in this country? is it because the various government don't see the effort being put in by the farmers or are the farmers not qualified for it?
Even the FADAMA III program does have any positive effect in the lives of the farmers in the state. because the foundation of the structure in Edo state was not well laid. If you doubt this information, conduct a statistical survey and see the fact.

Why Do We Need Farmers?

On the 27ty of July, 2013.
In a Special Reunion Meeting Of All Co-Operative Farmers, And Its Affiliates.

My Comrades,
My Brothers,
My Co-farmers,
Every one present here today,

I want to warmly welcome you to this great gathering. I feel very privileged to be a part of this success. I want to assure you here today that it has not really been very easy for real and sincere farmers to come together like this at anytime. But for the hard-work, dedication and determination of this ACFA pioneers.
 Our mission is to organize, protect and make financial and moral provisions for all our members from being lynch or cheated by our oppressors. We are very sure that no matter how strong or popular our supposed challengers may be; ACFA will never give way for any of its members/affiliates, to be victimized.

This All Cooperative Farmers Association, Edo State; started its operation in January 2013, after many farmers has requested from the first pioneer of this group to look for way(s) to address the abnormality being experienced in other groups that claimed to be representing the farmers. Listening to these cries and looking for ways to address it, Mr. Agbonlahor designed what is now known as ACFA and presented the plan to the second pioneer, Mr. Obasogie, who in collaboration with other farmers established what is now known as ACFA. Which now serves as the only farmers group that will ever make meaningful impact in the life of farmers, due to the sincerity and transparency, part of the founding materials. Why other farmers groups are like a seed yam planted, that need to rotten away for a fresh and better one to germinate from it. In which the new sprout, is ACFA.
Have you not ask yourselves individually at one time or the other why farmers has not been assisted by the various government, and other well meaning Donors? Or why we cannot access what the World Bank, the federal government or other interested international institutions granted for us, is even taken away from us?
The answer is not far fetched. It’s because, Farmers fail to be united.
I want to assure you once again colleagues that the time for all discrepancies to be cleared in now. Please fellow farmers, let us know whether you like what we are doing now, whether you believe in what we are doing now or whether you convincingly want to be a part of this great change we are about to experience in the farming sector.
If you say no to those questions just raised above, quickly ask yourself this personal question “if I choose not to be a bonafide partner in this move to join all farmers together, even when I am aware that this is the solution to our problem, what will I tell my children when they come out tomorrow to ask me, when others were putting in unstinting effort to stabilize the farming industry in the state, why do you allow your slaves to be in charge of your gold “YOUR INHERITANCE” ?.

In agriculture, remember that the new sprout is always better than the one planted. Therefore, affiliating to this Association at its earliest time will put you in advantageous position.

Market women were supported with N100m on Thursday 25th July, 2013 by the comrade governor of Edo State. Will you say they are more organize than us? Are they more than us? Are we saying that our wives who are these market women are more intelligent than us?
I advise every one of us here to change our negative opinion about ourselves. Believe you are a success.  Come together to work as a team. Since this sincere coming together as a co-operative farmers group is what we must do to succeed as farmers. If we fail to do it how, we must definitely retrace our steps later and come back to do it. And by then we may not be the beneficiaries. My advice is that we better come together now and start enjoying the fruit of our labour. Or else, we will be giving the opportunity to our slave to be in possession of our most cherished GOLD “Our Inheritance”.
I want to ask once again when will you learn comrades, brothers and friends? Have you not made several mistakes before that you can correct yourselves from? If you have not known me by now, since I have been with you, when will you do? Don’t be surprise! Not knowing me till now, shows lack of Intelligence as the only intelligent ones can benefit from the government. But what are some qualities of Intelligence?

Qualities Of Intelligence
1.      Truthfulness
2.      Determination
3.      Optimism
4.      Focused
5.      Sincere love for others
6.      Non-relenting
7.      Working with others
8.      Transparency
As a dedicated farmer, ask yourself; have you ever make sense out of nonsense? Do you want to make sense out of it? Be very well guaranteed that the rotten yam can never rise to live again after decay. Therefore, because other farmers groups that have existed. Never proved to be real or have better plan for its members, they will never have persons/group to penetrate their root, again.

Take Note:
Stay glued to ACFA. The only farmers Association that knows the feelings and plight of the farmers, and wants to make a open door for them in that regard. The benefit we claimed to have derives from the government in the past was not based on our effort but the effort of others. How then can we claim we are intelligent when no one has ever been privileged to benefit from our effort?

These words I’m telling you today are inspired and promising. If you all adhere to it, this will be the open door for all active and interested farmer in this state. It will mean that the key to the door of success has been given to the rightful owners (the farmers).
With optimism, I tell you no one, no officer, no group or organization can ever have a claim on our inheritance anymore.
I am glad to be with you once again.
I thank you all.

Sunday 8 December 2013

How Can We Succeed in Our Farming Program With Roads Like These, Leading To Our Farms?

It is truly painful to see that every effort put in by farmers in order to make this sector attractive and more productive proves abortive. The questions in the minds of most persons interested in this plight faced by Edo farmers are:
1.      Why are farmers treated as outcast, even in their own motherland.
2.      Why are they made to pass through pain and agony, and still do not get any support from government?
3.      Why is malevolence always unleashed on farmers, even when it’s clear that they toil day and night to make sure there’s food in the table of everyone in our communities?.

These and many other heart throbbing questions are being asked in regard to the way(s) farmers are treated in Edo State. Why is this issue a great concern for some concerned individuals and organizations; the likes if ACFA.
It is probably because the All Cooperative Farmers Association has resolved to create an avenue where those in the grass root will be heard, noticed and assisted. They may have also conceived a rationale to inform, educate, and enlighten the people about the activities of those in the grass root. ACFA also have the ability to purchase and market all Edo Farmers produce. We also have the intent to make the general public know the level of flexibility that operates in the group. With these qualities displayed by ACFA, you will see that it’s a home for all (A Human Eucalyptus) an organization that have enough room to accommodate any individuals/groups that may find confidence in her. 

Edo Famers! Ready to Make The Expected Difference

ACFA/Hqtrs 040-Ben/ONE-Chm/01/OAC-001                                01st December, 2013.

The Honourable Chairman,

Ovia North East Local Government Area,
Edo State.
Dear Madam,
In order for us to achieve success in our bid to expand our production and to meet up with our responsibilities of closing the linkages between the government and those in the grass-root, specifically in the area of agricultural development, so that we can enhance the key institutional supports the farmers required in order to increase their yield in production and development of their produce and services, All Cooperative Farmers Association (ACFA) hereby proposed these functional plans which are believed will help to enhance residual source of income for communities with productive land for agriculture advancement.
Another reason for writing this document is to intimate the Honourable Chairman of the operation of this group in the council area, And to present an overview of the challenges and opportunities for Co-operative Farmers and youths who choose to venture into agriculture in the local government area. ACFA also wishes to use this opportunity to make recommendations that will result in encouraging other graduate youths who may have reasons to embrace agriculture as there is bright and beautiful picture designed for it. This will make the L.G.A part of the great change going on in the agricultural sector around the world today.
Structure Of The Program
This program is expected to serve as a platform to bring all determined and serious minded farmers in the L.G.A together in a way that they will be able to complement themselves in a convenient and suitable farming environment. It will also help to settle young school leavers in  a  specified  area  of  land,  making  farming  their career  thereby  preventing  them  from  moving to the urban areas in search of white collar jobs, they may never find. These settled farmers will be able to design and develop a model in good farming systems. The type that will attract other farmers residing in nearby villages. ACFA is also set up to provide effective and profitable agricultural services to all farmers in the state, by representing them appropriately. And to market/distribute fresh and original foodstuffs direct from the farm to interested customers, in our HOME service transactions.
Who Will Benefit From The Program?
The All Co-operative Farmers Association (ACFA) Youth Economic Opportunity Programming (YECOP) has increasingly been designed to reach young people in rural areas, so as to stem the tides of migration, and to reduce rural poverty. We expect this gesture to spur the youths up to embrace agricultural development program that will empower them to be boss of themselves.
The main objective of this scheme is actually to make for food sufficiency and also to supplement the unemployment situations being faced by the various governments. It is also expected to address the rampant insecurity problems being faced by the citizens of the states respectively and the nation in general. {See ACFA’s Overture; page 3}

Areas The Council Is Expected to Assist:-
The Honourable Chairman, Mrs Lucy Omagbon and the commendable council Executives are implored to kindly:
1.      Assist these cooperative farmers to facilitate the Bulldozing/Grading of the road to the co-operative farm settlement in Okokhuo government reserve given to Ovia North East Farmers, For Farming Expansion.
2.      Aid All Co-operative farmers to receive the newly improved Cassava cuttings and the complementing fertilizer assigned for Farmers in the Local Government Area. And other incentives from the state/presidency.
3.      Develop good relationship with the executives and members of All Co-operative Farmers Association, towards standardizing and modernizing the system of farming in the council area, in order to enhance success for this scheme.
The Program as an Eye Opener
ACFA Team believes that this Community Farming Scheme (CFS) will create a Spotlight on Opportunities for mainly Rural Youth. And it will highlight some of the critical issues they are facing. The women and other farmers in the rural areas will benefit from this plan; it will also address Urban/Rural migration, the roles stakeholders must play in order to involve more young people living in rural areas to have access to (formal and informal) employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, shall also be established.
This program will enable everyone to understand that if the various stakeholders in the agricultural industry support this development, they have lots to gain. Additionally, this point-up will convene a diverse group of stakeholders, ranging from youth development specialists, agricultural specialists, value chain specialists. This program will give these distinct communities of stakeholders the privilege to collectively tackle complex challenges together, often next step needed to be taken to increase the knowledge and technological advancement of the various participants/beneficiaries. While promoting a cross-sector collaboration. If this Road is eventually Bulldozed/Graded, and the ACFA Community Farming and Educational Development Program for the first time, and define (ACFEDEP) is eventually standardized, the following questions may require answers.
v  What are the innovative approaches that ACFA intends to apply, in order to increase the quality and relevance of the different types and levels of education for our rural dwellers?
v  How can young people be more effectively integrated into agricultural and other rural value chains in this scheme?
v  How is the government going to benefit from it, after the support?
v  What are some of the broad trends we observe in rural-urban migration, and what implications do those trends have for the economic opportunities young people have today and in the future?
v  How does ACFA intends to create jobs for youth in the proposed Farmers community?
v  How can different stakeholders be directly involved in the program, and what are some of the benefits they should expect?
v  What behavioural change models exist for influencing young people’s (and their families’) perceptions of agricultural work? And how will ACFA prepare youth to undertake rural livelihoods?
v  What is the appropriate role for practitioners and Policy makers in this area?
v  What approaches have proven to be effective for improving the quality/relevance and interest of agricultural extension work for youth?
v  How will this program address the insecurity problem being faced in our societies today?
v  How are young people in rural areas engaging in decision-making related to policies and programs that affect them (at the community and national level)?
v  How do/could young people use technology in order to improve their employment and entrepreneurship opportunities? And how will stakeholders support in this regard?
v  How can we help protect young people in the rural workplace (especially in terms of their health and financial safety), and help them know their rights?
v  How will ACFA Community Farming Scheme address the causes and effects of migration, especially by looking at the pull-push factors that lead many young people to move from rural areas to the urban cities ones?
Expected Benefits.
We envisage a lot of benefits once this request is granted. Farmers will be enabled in the council area to be well organized. This can only be achieved if all farmers are encouraged to work together as a team, by means of the Bulldozing and grading of the road leading to the co-operative farm site. It will allow all the co-operative societies operating within the local government area to be allotted a portion in this proposed Organized Co-operative Farm (OCF). The synergic impact of this cohesion will thus lead to increased output, as earlier stated. This program will:-

1.      Aid the farmers to have value for living together in the farming environment.
2.      Enhance massive production of agricultural produce; thus leading to increased food supply.
3.      Help in the eradication of middlemen from the agric marketing strategy, and empower the Association to conduct the foodstuff pricing.
4.      Help attract foreign investors to the council area, to assist in ACFA’s urge to project agriculture.
5.      Project the image of farmers in the area and also help them be fitted in their place in the scheme of things, as farmers from the most fertile land in the country.
6.      Create an opportunity to collect produce tax from the farmers direct from the farm to the Local Government Coffer.

Edo state farmers, which included Ovia North East Cooperative Farmers, has never had direct access to markets to trade their goods because of middlemen invasion. Base on this development, individual farmers finds it difficult to produce the quantity and quality kinds of food crops they would otherwise have grown. Hence, their produce spoiled due to lack of storage facilities and bad roads. Absence of these infrastructures has always hinders smooth operations of the farmers.
This proves to be a similar problem in many countries though. But All Cooperative Farmers Association (ACFA) have decided to take a bold step of success by organizing all farmers together in one settlement and begin to contract each farmers’ groups to grow predetermined types and quantities of fruit and vegetables. This will help the Association to. remove the middlemen by guaranteeing a fair fixed price to farmers for each type of produce, to be renegotiated annually. Collection stations will be built in the middle of each growing area so that the needed variety of produce could be assembled every day. Weighing and grading are carried out transparently in the presence of the farmers. Refrigerated trucks which shall be purchased by the Association will help to reduce losses.
In this way, they will be able to provide all necessary amenities and to manage the mental skills and quality administration so as to represent all co-operative farmers in the state and beyond.

In your eyes so clear we can read the dream of our progress you dreamt about us recently;
In your eyes so tender, we can view our future as splendid and in its full bloom;
In your eyes so transparent, we see again the motherly advice, love, passion and affection you use to render to us;
It’s as visible and crystal clear that we are still very much closed to your heart. As it was when you gave birth to us;
Brightly! We can see it. Brilliantly clear and as powerful as the morning dew.
In the clapping of your hands, we in ACFA understand that you are sending a message to us.
Dear mother, you can’t leave us at this critical time.
We urged that you support us to BULLDOZE/GRADE our FARM-ROAD now, to aid our effort in the farm.
We will be  pleased.