Monday 9 December 2013

Why Do We Need Farmers?

On the 27ty of July, 2013.
In a Special Reunion Meeting Of All Co-Operative Farmers, And Its Affiliates.

My Comrades,
My Brothers,
My Co-farmers,
Every one present here today,

I want to warmly welcome you to this great gathering. I feel very privileged to be a part of this success. I want to assure you here today that it has not really been very easy for real and sincere farmers to come together like this at anytime. But for the hard-work, dedication and determination of this ACFA pioneers.
 Our mission is to organize, protect and make financial and moral provisions for all our members from being lynch or cheated by our oppressors. We are very sure that no matter how strong or popular our supposed challengers may be; ACFA will never give way for any of its members/affiliates, to be victimized.

This All Cooperative Farmers Association, Edo State; started its operation in January 2013, after many farmers has requested from the first pioneer of this group to look for way(s) to address the abnormality being experienced in other groups that claimed to be representing the farmers. Listening to these cries and looking for ways to address it, Mr. Agbonlahor designed what is now known as ACFA and presented the plan to the second pioneer, Mr. Obasogie, who in collaboration with other farmers established what is now known as ACFA. Which now serves as the only farmers group that will ever make meaningful impact in the life of farmers, due to the sincerity and transparency, part of the founding materials. Why other farmers groups are like a seed yam planted, that need to rotten away for a fresh and better one to germinate from it. In which the new sprout, is ACFA.
Have you not ask yourselves individually at one time or the other why farmers has not been assisted by the various government, and other well meaning Donors? Or why we cannot access what the World Bank, the federal government or other interested international institutions granted for us, is even taken away from us?
The answer is not far fetched. It’s because, Farmers fail to be united.
I want to assure you once again colleagues that the time for all discrepancies to be cleared in now. Please fellow farmers, let us know whether you like what we are doing now, whether you believe in what we are doing now or whether you convincingly want to be a part of this great change we are about to experience in the farming sector.
If you say no to those questions just raised above, quickly ask yourself this personal question “if I choose not to be a bonafide partner in this move to join all farmers together, even when I am aware that this is the solution to our problem, what will I tell my children when they come out tomorrow to ask me, when others were putting in unstinting effort to stabilize the farming industry in the state, why do you allow your slaves to be in charge of your gold “YOUR INHERITANCE” ?.

In agriculture, remember that the new sprout is always better than the one planted. Therefore, affiliating to this Association at its earliest time will put you in advantageous position.

Market women were supported with N100m on Thursday 25th July, 2013 by the comrade governor of Edo State. Will you say they are more organize than us? Are they more than us? Are we saying that our wives who are these market women are more intelligent than us?
I advise every one of us here to change our negative opinion about ourselves. Believe you are a success.  Come together to work as a team. Since this sincere coming together as a co-operative farmers group is what we must do to succeed as farmers. If we fail to do it how, we must definitely retrace our steps later and come back to do it. And by then we may not be the beneficiaries. My advice is that we better come together now and start enjoying the fruit of our labour. Or else, we will be giving the opportunity to our slave to be in possession of our most cherished GOLD “Our Inheritance”.
I want to ask once again when will you learn comrades, brothers and friends? Have you not made several mistakes before that you can correct yourselves from? If you have not known me by now, since I have been with you, when will you do? Don’t be surprise! Not knowing me till now, shows lack of Intelligence as the only intelligent ones can benefit from the government. But what are some qualities of Intelligence?

Qualities Of Intelligence
1.      Truthfulness
2.      Determination
3.      Optimism
4.      Focused
5.      Sincere love for others
6.      Non-relenting
7.      Working with others
8.      Transparency
As a dedicated farmer, ask yourself; have you ever make sense out of nonsense? Do you want to make sense out of it? Be very well guaranteed that the rotten yam can never rise to live again after decay. Therefore, because other farmers groups that have existed. Never proved to be real or have better plan for its members, they will never have persons/group to penetrate their root, again.

Take Note:
Stay glued to ACFA. The only farmers Association that knows the feelings and plight of the farmers, and wants to make a open door for them in that regard. The benefit we claimed to have derives from the government in the past was not based on our effort but the effort of others. How then can we claim we are intelligent when no one has ever been privileged to benefit from our effort?

These words I’m telling you today are inspired and promising. If you all adhere to it, this will be the open door for all active and interested farmer in this state. It will mean that the key to the door of success has been given to the rightful owners (the farmers).
With optimism, I tell you no one, no officer, no group or organization can ever have a claim on our inheritance anymore.
I am glad to be with you once again.
I thank you all.

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